26 May 2007

The Girl That I Love

I meant to blog this last year, but I got busy.

One of the things I like most about my wife is the care and attention she puts into whatever it is she's doing. She isn't "halfway" about anything. Well, not much anyway.

When I first met her, she had this huge case full of make-up. We were in a production of The Crucible, and Pamela had this incredible array of theatrical and personal make-up. She was the first girl I had ever met who applied her lip color with a brush. I thought that was very cool.

Some people think it's weird or "special" that I like to go shopping with her. The picture you see here was taken on a trip to the MAC store in Hollywood. The truth is, I love observing her doing her thing. The girl with the fuzzy green scarf who is taking great care to find the exact right lip color, and the exact right kind of brush with which to apply it (who attacks the process like a scientist attacking a virus in a laboratory) fascinates me.

I find her fascinating. And I think that is one of the "secrets" of our relationship.

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