29 October 2008

Looking Ahead ...

Our Artistic Director, Phillip Kelly anounced our mainstage season for 2009. Included in the exciting line-up is my play Sonny. This is a play I wrote a couple of years ago, concerning an animator, her voice-over artist boyfriend, and his parents. It deals with the lasting impact the people closest to us can have on our psyches, and by extension our behavior. Very nature vs. nurture stuff.

I am resisting the urge to direct Sonny. I'd like someone else to take the reigns, so I can sit back and concentrate on rewrites. (I learned a huge lesson with Pin-Up Girls: if I'm going to write and direct, I need someone to track my script changes for me. Putting together a final 'production draft' is going to be a nightmare. I have notes scribbled in different shades of ink on my script, notes scribbled on legal pads and scratch paper, and line changes I didn't bother noting at all.)

I hope to have a draft ready for reading soon. And I'm going to do something way different this time: I'm going to make the script widely available to anyone interested in reading it. For Pin-Up Girls, we didn't have a draft available for the actors to read before auditioning. Well, I'm not repeating that mistake with Sonny!